Ian Rowland: Persuasion Secrets of a Mind Reader

Imagine building an instant connection with almost any person – yes, even people who don’t know you – in seconds. Master mind reader Ian Rowland is going to share one of his persuasion secrets that will enable you to do it!

Who Is Ian Rowland?

Ian is an expert cold reader and the author of Applied Cold Reading (ACR), a toolkit of skills that allowed men and women from all walks of life to become more perceptive, gain more friends and have an increased influence and persuasion over others.

Cold reading is a set of techniques used by mentalists, psychics, fortune-tellers, mediums and illusionists to imply that the reader implies that they know much more about the person than they let on.

Prior to teaching thousands of clients to build lightning fast rapport, Ian worked as UK sales and marketing manager for a leading technology company. It was in this arena that he sharpened his skills and developed the persuasion secrets of a mind reader, which would later develop into his ACR toolkit.

So What Is Cold Reading?

Cold reading allows you to “read” people like an open book, without any advance knowledge of who they are, where they’ve come from or what they do. It is an impressive skill for creating a sense of deep rapport and magical moments with others, and it works because of the inherent need we all share in wanting to be understood.

Ian explains that one of the principles of cold reading comes from the awareness of making assumptive statements in your conversations, rather than asking questions. For example, rather than asking:

What do you do for work?

Turn the question into an assumptive statement:

I have a feeling you work with your hands.

As a cold reader, you’re looking for then to confirm your assumption is true, to some degree. After all, almost everyone works with their hands in some capacity. For example, a builder might use a hammer, whereas an officer might use a keyboard. Your statement is likely to correct in both instances.

When you make an accurate statement about someone, you build rapport a lot faster because you appear to have an empathetic insight into their lives.

The more specific the statement, the greater the effect.

For example, telling somebody that they work as a carpenter is more spectacular than saying they work in the building industry, provided that you’re right, of course.

What If Your Statement Is Incorrect?

Even the most skilled cold readers make errors in their statements. When this happens you can add a revision, which helps to make the statement more agreeable.

For example, suppose you give a sales pitch and make the following statement:

“Over the last couple of business cycles there has been pressure on the training budget, you have less money to play with but requirements are expanding all the time and given that you are trying to diversify in your current market and that’s making quite a strain on you”

Now if this is incorrect there is potential for disagreement unless you utilise the “applicability revision”.

“What I’ve just said might not apply to you, but it does apply to other businesses in your industry. I’m glad you don’t have that problem because what we do can be implemented far more quickly if you don’t have that challenge.”

In Ian’s book, he divulges a further seven revisions that will negate disagreements and allow you to move any conversation forward in a positive way.

The key lesson here is to use statements much more in your conversation. A very good way to approach this habit is to start by saying upbeat, truthful statements when you meet others. For example:

You have a great smile.

That’s a very stylish jacket.

Your tie gives the impression you studied at Harrow.

Once you get used to doing this, throw in some assumptive statements about the person that you think might be true, and see what happens.

You’re in a great mood today and that’s a wonderful thing.

The way you stand is fascinating. Apparently, it means you’re charismatic.

You have considerable unused capacities that you have not yet turned to your advantage.

Ian believes that psychics who give readings are among the most skilled cold readers and experts in building rapid rapport. In his book, The Full Facts of Cold Reading, he takes psychic techniques and breaks them down into a non-psychic context so you can acquire the same strategies in an ethical way.

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