"How To Talk To Anybody Without Fear Or Rejection: 21 Secrets To Conversational Mastery"

Ready to leave sweaty palms and shyness behind and develop a meaningful conversation and relationship with anyone?

This guide is a hard-earned toolkit of conversation skills, so you can walk into any room of strangers, know exactly what

to say… and connect with anyone in minutes!

Within these pages you will learn:

  • How can I talk to anybody with unshakable confidence?
  • How can I make meaningful connections with anyone?
  • How can I grab the attention of someone I’m attracted to?

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Here's What's Included In Your Book


Discover the exact step-by-step process

Designed for breaking the ice smoothly so you can make friends wherever you go.


How to pull conversation topics out of thin air…

so you never experience the
‘deer in headlights’ feeling of an awkward
silence ever again!


My unique method for grabbing anyone’s attention instantly…

so you can have them eating out of the palm of your hand (even if you usually get ignored, talked over or feel invisible)

Group 11@1x

The 1 common mistake!

The one error analytical & introverted people make that causes conversations to fall flat (and what to do
to avoid it!)


How to effortlessly lead & control the conversation…

so you can switch topics
tactfully, talk about what you’re interested
in, and never be bored again!

Eye 1@1x

Unlock the power to be seen…

Find out what it takes to never be ignored or passed by again, while becoming memorable and note worthy to new acquaintances.

About the Author Marcus Oakey

Marcus got into the self-improvement game in 2003. Since then he’s
helped millions of people all over the globe revolutionize their quality of

Marcus shows clients how to create instant, long-lasting relationships
with high-quality people… 

How? Through redefining their relationship with themselves and the
world around them – becoming who they were always meant to be.

Marcus started Your Charisma Coach because he was a shy, awkward
guy. He spent years getting rejected over and over… 

Until finally cracking the code to become the type of unforgettable person everyone dreams of becoming:

In other words, a man who radiates charisma, which lead to more specialised work as an author, trainer, international speaker, TV pundit and creator of the Applied Charisma Technology system…

His strategies proved to be so effective he’s spent over 15 years teaching them to students, business professionals and celebrities alike, so that they could make friends quickly and advance their careers with ease.

Even the biggest social training companies on the planet were soon knocking on his door, hiring him to train thousands of their clients… and even their own instructors.